Coach Your Sales Team to get predicatble Results
Being a great coach is founded on knowing which hat you’re wearing. Everyone wears multiple hats. It could be a team member, project leader, department head, or entrepreneur hat.
Read MoreHow Leading Indicators Can Help You Win The 13-Week Race
Every quarter is a 13-week Race. It goes by fast. Before you know it, the quarter is over. And then the year is over. You are left with the question, “Did we accomplish what we set out to accomplish?”
Read MoreRunning a 13-Week Race Every Quarter
Use a dashboard to help you. A dashboard is the perfect tool to help you communicate progress throughout the company and hold people accountable while preserving relationships.Use dashboards as helpful and actionable tools, not to club people on the head!
Read More3 Pitfalls to Avoid When Developing Your BHAG
A key piece of your long-term strategy is your 10-25 year visionary stretch goal, what Jim Collins calls your Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG). Your BHAG is so important because it helps you grow with purpose.
Read MoreMaking A People Change
How many times has this happened to you? You wrestle with a decision to let someone go. You make the decision and immediately discover skeletons in the closet. Had you known it would have made the decision simple.
Read MoreTalent Review
How many “A” players are on your team right now? To know this, first we should define what exactly the term A – player means. An A-player represents the top ten percent of the talent available at a given salary level.
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