“If you neglect any one of the four parts of the whole person [Body, Heart, Mind, Spirit], you turn a person into a thing. A thing lacks motivation. You will have to control and manage this employee to motivate him or her. Effectively managing an employee requires that you treat him or her as a ‘whole person.’” – Stephen R. Covey
In How the Mighty Fall, Jim Collins posits, “If you have the right people, you don’t need to spend a lot of time ‘motivating’ or ‘managing’ them.”
So, the experts agree that it doesn’t take fancy compensation plans or elaborate rewards or threats to have a motivated team. What it does take is your willingness to build a culture that treats team members as “whole people” and the discipline to hire the right people and get them in the right seats.
Hire team members that you want to spend time with and that your team enjoys, and they will feel connected socially. Give your team members the freedom to enjoy their social connections outside of work, as well.
Encourage them to spend time with family and nurture the relationships that feed them. Let your team members know that you care about their happiness, and demonstrate that you want them to enjoy their lives; some ways to do this could include offering to cover for them so they can be at important family functions or instituting more flexible work hours so that team members can be home when their kids get off the school bus.
Is the culture you have built in your company something you are willing to protect at all costs by hiring only the right people? Or, are you quick to hire just to have warm bodies working so you can continue to grow?
Covey talks about the four parts of a whole person in the context of his 7th Habit – Sharpen the Saw. As a leader, if you can sharpen your own saw and set up an environment where your team is encouraged to do the same, you will unleash their potential and never have to worry about whether they are motivated again. You’ll all be self-motivated and your company will soar to new
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